The award winning concept that has created a safe and meaningful summer for children and youths during 8 years.
The 2012 PISA report showed that Swedish youths were far behind in their reading comprehension, especially in multicultural areas. The question arose, how can we inspire young people to read more? We teamed up with Bonnerförlagen and SBBF (Svenska Basketbollförbundet) and developed SummerHoops, a unique combination of basketball and reading. Since the start, SummerHoops has evolved and is today a community for inclusion and well-being. By bringing along local role models we create a safe platform for children and youths to create new valuable relationships and memories.
During the years thousands of children and youths have visited SummerHoops. The church and mosque have challenged each other on the basketball court, and the police and fire department have hung out with the youths on a neutral platform. In Kista, the number of reported crime and damage claims decreased by 27 % compared to previous summers, and by 46 % in Biskopsgården. National and local media have reported about SummerHoops in TV, radio and newspapers.
Håkanson United developed the concept, and is responsible for project management, marketing and budget. SummerHoops has been activated in Kista, Biskopsgården, Ribersborg and Åby.
SummerHoops has been awarded with the PR prize “Spinn”, as well as two “Gyllene Hjulet”, a prize which celebrates the best community engagement and sponsoring in Sweden.